Monday 8 December 2014

I wanted to share this view from Poon Hill with you

Hi everyone 
If you read Sarah's last post you'll know we have now finished our trek here in Nepal. We are sat in Pokhara musing over our experiences over the past three weeks. I'll bore you with a lengthy blog on everything next time. Anyway as I said, in Sarah's last blog '2 Days Treking to go' she said I'd gone up to Poon Hill (3210m) at sunset to shoot some pictures. I took loads with my camera and this one above with my phone to share with you. 
The view was 'awesome' to coin a horrible Americanism. I hope this picture gives some idea of the scene I saw. When I get back next year I'll bore you all with my Ansel Adams like photos, once you start yawning I promise I'll shut up and turn the screen off!


  1. Hi there.
    Great to hear from you. Awesome photo- what a view! You say three weeks have gone already- can't believe it! Time is truly flying for you. Are you loving this experience? It looks amazing!
    Kids says " enjoy more mountain climbing and have a good time"
    Love from us all
    Dawn x

  2. But is the photo good enough to go in a magazine. Dave says Yes! Sarah says the man from Del Monte says Yes......... I.E. Dave
