Thursday 11 December 2014

This ones for you Sam and Leanne

We picked an extra traveller. A guard dog for your Mum! Sarah was not impressed, she said it was a flea ridden thing. Any way he walked with us nearly all one day. About 18km and protected your Mum by fighting off all the local dogs in each village. 

Sarah has turned into Dr Dolittle. If you look closely the dog is following Sarah across the bridge. 


  1. Hi Sarah, I like your new friend. Where did he go when he left you? Xx

  2. Anonymous is me above, Sinead said you might not know Karen x

    1. Hi think he eventually found himself a lady friend thank god!

  3. Hi - now my question is..... Why Dave did you let Sarah be escorted across the bridge ( wobbly one at that) and why did u stay at this side to take the photo...? I,m thinking you did not trust that bridge and you thought you'd let someone else try it first! What do you think Sarah? Xx
    Love Dawn x

    1. I didn't know the scabby dog was following me. It's better to go one at a time cos Dave makes the bridge vibrate too much and it throws you off balance plus if I go first he can't hear me giving myself a pep talk to keep calm and my legs get a rest at the end.
