Friday 5 December 2014

2 days of trekking left!

Hi we've arrived in goneapani n Dave has headed up to poon hill to take photos of the mountains at sunset.  It was that or get up at 4 in the morning to get them in the sunrise.  I volunteered not to go as we have spent the last 2 days in the scorching heat climbing a 1000m aday and it's exhausting and my feet are killing.  We've had a few luxury day in tataopani where they have hot spring to ease your aching muscles. We have only 2 more trekking days before we arrive in pokhara for a couple of days rest before heading to Kathmandu for our flight to Australia.  Can't believe we are nearly finished this part of our journey. We will be in touch again soon as the wifi allows. Hugs to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi glad you're both ok and smelling sweeter �� sounds like your feet need a rest haha.
    At your the other day and Ciaran was really confused, he kept asking where auntie Sarah was. If you ask him where auntie Sarah is he says at the airport so he must have thought you had come home when we went to your house. Both kids are missing you and send big hugs and kisses.
    Enjoy your rest before your flight to Australia and look forward to your next blog.
    love Karen xx
