Wednesday 20 May 2015

Yellowstone - The Worlds First National Park

Yellowstone was outstanding big scenery and lots of wide animals. Buffalo were nearly everywhere. We have never seen one before let alone in the wide so this was a treat. Can't tell you how impressive these animals are, big enough to ram the car and make a mess of it. Unfortunately, some people just try to get to close and irritate them. One occasion a herd of buffalo were walking across the road and a Chinese family dragged their youngest child, scared out of its mind, in front of the beast for a photo. Thankfully it didn't trample the child but swung its head away in disgust and trotted away. Earlier in the day we had watch the visitor video at the national park centre which included a home video of a family member being trampled by an angry buffalo. 

One morning we walked out of camp early to look at the wildlife on our way back through the wood we stumbled on an elk, they are about 8 or 9 feet tall when stood fully erect. Anyway  we swiftly did an about turn and left it well alone. But what a sight we were just about a cars length away before we saw it. 

Herd of buffalo with the Yellowstone geysers behind 
(tried to wait for a bald eagle to land on one of there backs but it just didn't happen!)

Of course we had to go to Old Faithful and watch it erupt. It made for a perfect lunch stop. The park is full of geysers in fact it's one great big caldera with three massive eruptions in the last few million years.  Some of the geothermal pools are rich colourful ones and others are smelly sulphur stink pots. Each could be right next door to each other. 

Old Faithful blowing off!

Another rainbow, this one was caused by the steam from Old Faithful

Sarah found it so interesting she fell asleep in this selfie!

Pretty patterns in the pools

After spending a hot day in the park we returned to the tent to find that it had been blasted with hailstone yet we had only been within a 30 mile radius. More freaky weather. 

The animals roam in and around the pools we found these footprints in one

Of course Yellowstone isn't just famous for its geysers it has enormous waterfalls with its own Grand Canyon with yellow stone walls. I guess that's why early trappers and native Indian people's called it Yellowstone. 

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