Thursday 14 May 2015

Arches National Park

The last of the desert national parks before we travel up to Great Tetons NP. We struggled to find a campsite near the park so settled for one a little further away that was busy with boys toys ( All Terrain Vehicles  - ATV's) we had to laugh they even used them to drive to the washrooms from there RV's, upscale motorised wheelchairs. Anyway enough winging. This park is named for exactly what is contains, some amazing rock arches. It's all down to the rock types and there makeup. The weathering then works on them over thousands of years to drill potholes that then expand through further erosion and fracturing to form arches. 

This ones called landscape arch

Sarah offering her support, holding this one up. 

We had a lot of rain this day in the park

Delicate arch

The arches have collapsed a long time ago here. This set of rocks is called a parade of elephants, two parents and one baby. With imagination, when you were there you could see it!

This is called Double arch. In fact it's three potholes that have collapsed into a double hole this was our favourite one. 

We really have been in the Wild West but horse and wagon have been replaced with ATVs instead.

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