Wednesday 1 April 2015

Images from the Inca Trail and Macchu Picchu

I've Just had a chance to upload some of the images I took last week on the Inca Trail as promised to the group we were travelling with. The 11 of us (including our two guides) said we would all like to exchange photos so I thought I'd post the link below and you can also have a look at the images on  Flickr should you wish to. 

Link to Flickr -

This trip was like 'glamping' with porters and two guides, Rumi and 'Proffesor' Angel. These two guys made it fun and provided a wealth of information to us. Rumi was actually born in Macchu Picchu and his parents still live there. Angel was the head guide he had a wicked laugh and really knew his stuff. 

Hope to give you loads more info over the coming days but we have a long list of jobs to do including calling you all. Speak to you soon and I'll post again in a day or so. 

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