Saturday 28 February 2015


Beautiful town but still feeling the effects of the earthquake several years ago. Sarah and I arrived late in the afternoon but managed a stroal around the city in the early evening. The old buildings that still stood were wonderful and the stonework from the Art College building was straight out of an old movie set. Unfortunately, it had suffered from the quack. Once again our timing could have been better. The evening we arrived the city was teaming with West Indian and Pakistani cricket supporters. They had a World Cup game on in the stadium just up the road. But the carnival atmosphere was great and very colourful. 

We saw this charming fountain lit up in the late evening just inside the botanical gardens


  1. You just mum laugh when she read this. Has Christchurch been invaded by ducks as the buildings are still suffering from the quack lol. Beautiful pictures of NZ, I might even be tempted into camping!!! Glad you're enjoying yourselves and nice to hear from you. Ciaran now says you're on your holidays, you've eventually left the airport and he's still your little dude. Take care. Karen xx

  2. Auto correct is great but I must remember to re-read it before I push send!
