Friday 27 February 2015

Able Tasman

One of New Zealand's Great Walks the Able Tasman truly lived upto its billing. We haven't done a true long distance walk along the coast before so this was a real treat. Every day brought a new eye watering view of the Southern Ocean with mountains casting dark silhouettes in the distance and all framed at its base by white sand. 
Each afternon we made camp for the night in a new bay. I had a swim in the sea each day. On the first day a tentative one to see how cold the water was. After about five minuets of standing thigh deep I picked up the courage to dive in the rest of the way. Once in the water and the initial shock over it was very pleasant. Sarah wet her feet on a couple of occasions! 
The walking wasn't hard but very rewarding, have a look at some of the photos. 

On the second morning we had to walk across this bay while it was still knee to thigh high in water. If we waited any longer we'd have missed half the day. It doesn't look much but it's about half a kilometre across. This was the first of three tidal crossings during the walk. 

Can't remember where this was taken but I think it looks peaceful 

Second tidal crossing, the afternoon before we crossed at Awaroa

Around 6:30am the tide was low enough to cross.....

Sarah making the early morning and cool walk across the tidal bay

It's a hard life camping in locations like these.........

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