Monday 12 January 2015


Back from the Whitsunday Island of South Moll. Not far off the Australian coast, in the Pacific, about 20 mins. by pontoon boat. Great place to escape to, although I know we are already 'escaping'. We had the island to ourselves for 3 of the 4 days we were there. On our first day we travelled out on the boat via Whitehaven beach, a very long, bumpy and wet trip, 2 hour detour in all. My idea to see the outer most island as we accompanied some guys from Eastern Europe in the boat. Sarah was less keen when the waves bounced the boat out the water for around 30 mins. 

Sorry it's taken a few days to update but we had a long drive when we came back to the mainland. So I'm writing this from Cairns.

When we set out on the Tuesday to the island their was a little trepidation as the March flies (Horse flies to us) were a pest in Airle Beach and so we expected them to be worse on the island. However, we had some rain the first day and heavy winds through the night  and that seemed to dampen there spirit, thankfully. Sarah was bitten a couple of times and I got away Scott free. 

Below a picture of the beach. The campsite was about half way along the beach and set back just off the beach. 


Sarah sat at the highest point on the island Mt. Jeffries. Very windy but real pleasant in the heat. 


  1. I'm not jealous, at all! Honestly! Haha
    Looks absolutely beautiful. What an amazing place to experience! Love and miss u loads. Xxx

    1. It was lovely and we had the place to ourselves for most of the time. Getting used to drinking warm water though as without a fridge everything gets very warm. Might catch on lol !
