Tuesday 13 January 2015

The Great Barrier Reef

Monday we spent the day on the reef. Early start in the morning and a 60km boat trip out to the outer barrier reef. Sarah wanted to do this trip so she had to deal with the ups and downs of the boat, she did well as many people were sick, she just laid down and closed her eyes. We had a full 5 hours on the reef and made good use of it. First in a semi-submersible boat, then in the glass bottom boat and finally snorkelling for close to two hours. So a few pictures below. 

We swam with large fish the size of a human torso and bright blue, saw lots of rainbow fish, red sea trout +5 lbs in weight, lots of barracuda a few sharks (only small ones Anna don't worry) and my fourth sea turtle plus lots of others we don't recognise. Sarah managed to do several snorkel runs which was an achievement, she really doesn't like having goggles over her nose. 

A great day and a once in a lifetime trip. 

This is a picture of the Great Barrier Reef from the boat. You wouldn't know where it was exept for the constant breaking waves. Caption Cook put a hole in his boat when he first passed the reef 300 years or so ago. He managed to make it to an island atol and climbed to its highest point to enable him to see a navigable safe channel back out to open sea. If he hadn't we wouldn't of known he had discovered Australia. 

A couple of shots of the edge of the reef

View through the glass from the semi-sub and glass bottom boat. It's difficult to appreciate the colours in the reef as the sea cuts out certain wave lengths of light the deeper you go. Red is first to go then yellow soon behind. So those vivid colours David Attenborough gets on Plant Earth are achieved through the use of big water proof flash lighting. 

Finally, Cairns harbour as we left in the early morning. 


  1. Auntie Sarah ciaran has become obsessed with the video of him chasing you down the street! He keeps saying that you are on holiday again! Haha! Nana read this and said o I hope they don't swim with the sharks, I said that is what u put for her not to worry haha! Sat in asda cafe this morning waiting for nana (going on a short walk as nanas full of it again) and ciaran asks for auntie Irene and auntie Sarah to come too! Megan also keeps asking when you are coming back too!
    Nana says no more sharks little or big no more shark swimming! Enjoy the rest of the time there. Love you and miss you! Anna/mum
    Speak to you soon, I have set up skype on my new number! Carry on enjoy m yang every minute!
    No news on the house front but I will keep u updated!
    Hurry up June! Love you xxxx

    1. Sorry to hear there is no news about the house yet, fingers crossed. Glad you and nana are still going for your walks and the little dude can feed the ducks. Tell him that uncle David won't call it a holiday but it is really, just a very long one. Tell Megs we have seen loads of beautiful butterflies but unfortunately they won't stay still long enough to photograph them. There were sharks in the sea but not on the reef and no threat to humans. Love and hugs to everyone. See you soon, the time is flying by here as each day there is another new thing to do, 2 months down already ahhh!

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  3. Ignore the yang bit this phone changes everything meant enjoying lol xx

  4. It looks beautiful. Glad you are both enjoying your amazing experiences. Think of us shivering in the cold and rain ( too cold for sharks tho haha). Take care Karen xx

  5. It was beautiful but as you can imagine while on the boat very rocky better in the sea although rough, hard to snorkel as water goes over your tube and you start coughing, not nice. Definitely not like snorkelling in a still lagoon. We are on the go all the time so time is just flying by we'll be home before we know it. Love to everyone xxx
