Monday 5 January 2015

Off to the Whitsunday Islands from Tomorrow

Hi all
We are going to stay on a deserted island for the next 4 days so we'll be in touch once we get back. 
We have had some problems with our phone card and FaceTime so sorry if we have not spoken but we have emailed everyone. Hope to have lots of nice photos to share with you as the island is part of the Great Barrier Reef. Don't worry Mums, we are not taking any risks it's a National Parks Australia recognised site and we are being pontoon boated on and off!
Oh, March Flies (Horse Flies) to us are driving us crazy at times. It's there peak time unfortunately, so we have bought the strongest bug repellant available. Plus, candles and bug coils etc etc and Even a baggy white shirt two sizes to big to help protect us both. 
Sarah & Dave

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