Wednesday 21 October 2015

Our bumper blow off

On the day we left Chrsitchurch it was a really windy day in fact we had gusts in excess of 150km/hr hands were a bit stiff from holding the steering wheel firmly. We had left Christchurch about 1hr earlier and about 15mins until we could have a rest (probably a McD's Diet Coke) in Ashburton when the rear bumper blew off the car. So had to drive back to Chrsitchurch and find the Spaceship depot and speak with them to see what could be done.

They took one off another vehicle and fixed it to ours with a few screws and some cable ties! The manager at Auckland where we had hired it from phoned me to say it was our fault and it would cost $500 NZ. As you would expect we were not happy so set an email to the MD and happily he was more amenable and apologised and refunded the charge. 
Still 90km/hr and the bumper blows off its not to reassuring. But all is OK and we can laugh about it now. Also, had a stove self igniting at the gas inlet valve as I was cooking but that was exchanged 4 days earlier. At the same time they used an angle grinder to fix the slider of the bed extension which had been welded incorrectly and wouldn't stay in place so got wet if it rained as the awning could touch the mattress. Just yesterday they sent us a survey requesting we recommend them as the best campe van company in NZ and Aussie, Sarah hasn't replied as yet..........
Adventurous times! Huh!!! 

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