Sunday 20 September 2015

Wet once again in Welly

Once again made it down to Wellington and once again it's raining. It must be our visits that bring on the rain here. The locals are telling us it's 10° cooler than normal for this time of year Wellington. Anyway before we came to Wellington we spent some time in Napier Which is supposed to be the art deco capital of the world. Almost every building was built between 1933 and 1940 as early 1931 they had an earthquake which destroyed the entire city centre.
Just about to set out into the rain and onto the centre of Wellington after having breakfast.  We are going to go to one of the museum, it'll probably end up in an all day job as it tends to be when we go to a museum. When I have a chance I'll put some pictures on of Napier so you can see how classically chic it is. 

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