Thursday 3 September 2015

Arrived in New Zealand safe and Tired!

Arrived safely but mega tired. Thánks to Sam and Leanne for dropping us at the airport once again. We left Manchester at 8:25pm Tuesday and arrived in Auckland at 3pm Thursday. It's along way............ So we were happy to get to bed last night. 

Right now we're waiting in Spaceships office to pick up our "Spaceship camper" for the next 3 months. 
(It's still early spring over here)


  1. Glad you've arrived safely all be it shattered as well. Take it easy and have fun. ☺ Karen x

  2. Pleased to here you have arrived happy aniversary for yesterday have a very happy birthday on Thursday
    Love. Mum @dad ,xxxxx

  3. Hope you had a fab anniversary. Glad you are safe and sound. Catch up on your sleep now. Lots of love Dawn Aneglique and Taio xxx ps that was a mega long trip xx

  4. Thanks for the replies. Well save the best wishes for next month! Having a great time but the weathers a bit wet.
