Sunday 22 February 2015

South Island NZ

We've been really busy since last we blogged. Had a great ferry trip into the South Island via Marlborough Sound fjord, just like Norway, I imagine. Then over to Nelson, sunshine town (city - mustn't call it a town that means village or hamlet over here). We walked the Able Tasman then through to Christchurch, beautiful city but so much of it is still being demolished, rebuilt or left vacant awaiting building to start. Then onto Queenstown which is where I'm writing this. Today's bus trip let us down as the company Naked Bus sent an email telling us the pickup time had changed but really it hadn't, OOPS!!! Anyway after a few calls were sat in Starbucks drinking coffee waiting another hour and a half for the new bus through to Te Anau so we can do a few hours on the Kepler Track to Brod Bay, tonight's campsite.

View coming out of a wet Wellington!
Once out of 'Welly' and in open water on the Cook Strait the rain pelted down but as we entered Marlborough Sound it calmed and I spent the rest of the journey appreciating the fjord. As we were on the water Sarah stayed downstairs asleep to avoid sea sickness. 

View of Marlbourgh Sound


  1. Huh where's the end of the sentence???
    Miss you too much xxxxx

  2. Sorry must have lost connection during the upload!

  3. Looks gorgeous! Kids miss you so much, megan keeps asking to ring you and ciaran says he is auntie Sarah little dude! Hey auntie Sarah, megan had an amazing parents evening and is already working at 2a now aiming for 3! :). Looks like you are having an amazing time but to be honest I can't wait to c u again! Keep having a great time time, enjoy every second of themes experience! Xxxxxxxxx
