Monday 26 January 2015

Freycinet National Park

Just spent the last three days out walking on the Freycinet Peninsula great views, highly changeable weather and dirty dishwater to drink. Oh, and I forgot to mention the possums. 
Scenery was stunning we camped on two beautiful beaches and had a hard climb up Mt. Graham. 

Had to stand guard duty on the first night after returning from the toilet to find a possum IN the tent tearing open our food bag. Dried milk powder and Beroca all over. Finally we went to sleep only for Sarah to wake up at 3am to find him in again digging through our backpacks. He didn't even have the decency to run away just sat there and stared back at the two of us. He snuck in via the side of the tent where we have a vent, cheeky bugger. 
The next night, different location we were prepared and bars added the edges of the tent but they were out early and I had to escort him away about 5 times. Then his friend a wallaby came calling. Thankfully he was less persisten. 
Heavy rain in the morning so very wet. Later in the day after finishing the walk I tried to dry the tent in a force ten gale and it blew away so had to chase it down a beach. 
All great fun!

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