Monday 26 January 2015

Everything needs washing- St. Helens, Tasmania

Nearly all our stuff needs a wash including us so we have parked up in St. Helens, Bay of Fires, Taz to get rid of the dirt. Also, taken the opportunity to see some great scenery, as ordered. Red rocks and the deep blue, turquoise Pacific Ocean. Late in the afternoon we wandered inland to St. Columba Falls. 
Arrived back late to find our washing had blown off the line but thankfully it is dry!

Do you recognise St. Helens?


  1. That doesn't look like Mecca St. Helens to us! Looks like you're having a great time. We'll look forward to the updates. from Helena, Ian and all at Hyde Road :)

  2. So glad to hear that you are both well. Mum and dad were so pleased to hear from you today. All well is here. Keep us posted with these fantastic photo's
    Love Dawn xxx

    1. Hi Dawn will try FaceTimeing you and the kids when next in wifi zone and its a good time back in the uk. We're off to New Zealand via Melbourne in the next 18 hours. So will try you from there. Not sure of time diff at the moment. Dave
