Saturday 20 December 2014


Hi everyone
Hope you are all well. We've just seen the temperature in London on the TV and its 2 degrees, chilly! So I thought I'd brighten the day and probably make you curse us. 
Heres a few pictures of the previous  two days in Sydney and the harbour area. 
We are sun burnt by the way!

This is Manly Beach.

Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. 

Our first day we visited the harbour area catching the ferry across to Milstone Point and walking back over the bridge you can see one of the photos above of the Opera House is from there. We had coffee in the Opera House and then walked throught the park and botanical gardens. The trains here are double decker. Quite novel! 
The next day we started with a 30 min. ferry ride to Manly Beach, stayed for lunch of fish and chips, how British seasidey. Followed by more ferry trips to Darling Quay and China Town then finished up river at Sydney Olympic Park. 
We had authentic Chinese dinner (what ever that is) but I'm sure our portions were a lot less than the locals seemed to have. Anyway it was nice. 
On our way back we missed our stop and had to jump on another train to get back home. 

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