Sunday 14 December 2014

G’day Mate

We are now in Aussie. Haven't seen any living Roo's yet only dead ones on the road side, yuk! Oh of course in a burger, taste great!!!
Only kidding!
We have some photos of Dubai and will post when we have a chance, probably tomorrow.
Nepal left me (Dave) with a lasting impression. The Pokhara Poop! We both got a touch of food poisoning from the chicken in the buffet on the way to the airport.  Some had more(Dave) than others so effect lasted longer! And caught up with Dave just before we got on the plane to Melbourne. He got reserved seating in the loo.
Funny, funny, funny.        Not!
Sarah has taken to writing extra bits in my correspondence as I write it. So you will get bits from me and then extra comment from her God knows how you will know who's written what. Anyway maybe tomorrow I'll feel better. I've been saying that for four days now!
Keep well!
Sarah and Dave


  1. Hi both of you
    Glad to hear you have reached the outback safe and sound. Shame about the food poisoning - guess you need to keep away from the chicken from now on.

    1. Thanks for getting in touch. We were going to email because we thought you might still be struggling with blog. We are both fine love you both too. Keep in touch .hugs Sarah &Dave
      P.s. Bum is much better Dave

  2. We send our best wishes and love to you both. Love mum and dad. Stay safe xxxx

  3. You both ok, you're not in Sydney are you ? Karen x

    1. Hi
      We are both fine. Been sightseeing in Canberra today. Just having nightcap in mods again! Not in Sydney for two more days. The weather there has been dodgy here it's been 30 and blue sky. Odd spot of rain at 7.30 ish but that's been it. Hugs to everyone. Keep in touch Sarah &dave xxx

  4. O thank ypu for replying we paniked when we saw the news haha x
    Have fun xx
