Saturday 29 November 2014

We made it over the Throng La pass 5416m at 10am 28th November

Yesterday was the hardest day of the whole trek. We completed our acclimatisation over the previous day's by walking 600 to 800m each day (vertical height). Sleeping at 4900m the night before tackeling the pass. Not to make a big deal of it but the pass is two thirds the height of Everest. We got to the top  in 3 hours and 10 mins. The trek down was awful, scrambling over ice and deep snow. Sorry no pictures from my iPhone to blog as its frozen (literally). I did take pictures at the top with the camera but can't blog those yet.  
So here's the treat time. Mum and I are sat in Muktinath at Hotel Bob Marley waiting for our fajita and enchilada. Who guess you could get this type of food at 3760m?
Lots of love and thank you for all your posts Sarah and Dave. P.s. Not sure when we will be in a wifi area again. 


  1. Glad you both made it down so far in one piece! Enjoying a typical nepalese meal haha.. Take care. Karen xx

  2. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
    {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Most of what we've eaten so far has been Nepalese but that was our celebratory meal for completing the pass the previous day. However eating a big meal then putting on a backpack and walking another 3 hours was not a good idea it makes you feel really sick. Give the little one a hugs from us. And give our 3 a hug too. Glad you're all able to use the blog now. Hugs xxxxx}
