Saturday 15 November 2014

Arrived in Kathmandu

We've arrived here after a very long journey. 11:30pm Friday evening local time. But we worked out it will not be as long as the next jump to Australia!  The taxi man was waiting at the airport thankfully. However, he had a little bad news as the hotel we had booked 4 months ago was full, not what you want to hear when you arrive. So we had to stay in one nearby. Sarah was not impressed!!!!

Anyhow, today, Saturday has been a nice day in Kathmandu. We've sorted our trek passes and exchanged money over, our bargaining skills worked well. Everything in Kathmandu is up for a haggle. Never take the price quoted!
Wow it's a colourful but dirty place as I expect are many poorer countries. It looks better in the day than at night.

Last night on the way in we had to slow down for a herd of "sacred cattle" roaming through the streets. Lucky the rabid dogs didn't eat them. Hah! Hah! Did not get photo unfortunately. Also, we had full view of a motorcyclist who clearly had never ridden his motorbike before, he pulled out in front of us going about 5 miles an hour when we were doing 25 our driver stopped then 30 seconds later the motorcyclist swerved in front of another car turning right but this time skidded off into the gutter. We checked he was OK and then carried on. 5 minuets latter he was on his bike speeding passed us. We gave him a wide berth from then on.

We are now in the hotel we should have been in. Arrived for breakfast at about 9:30am. Dave must of had a hand in the decor choices for the room! (See photo)

Here's a photo from the balcony towards the mountains out of Kathmandou. You can just see a temple  on the right. If you look very carefully.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you eventually arrived ok after trying to kill off a local. You're not going to copy the decor when you get home then! ��. Ciaran looked at the picture and said unca David and started laughing. Take care and have fun. Karen xx
